June 10, 2010

Bled1, originally uploaded by JustStix.

Some really nice colours and reflections of boats near Bled, Slovenia, which I also featured in yesterday’s post.

Enjoy today’s photo! If you like the photo, please drop a comment to the original photographer at Flickr.

June 9, 2010

Lake Bled, originally uploaded by pninaN.

This is an island in Lake Bled, Slovenia – the church on the island is the Church of Mary’s Assumption. Wikipedia tells us that “[b]efore the church was built, there was a temple consecrated to Živa, the Slavic goddess of love and fertility” and that “[a] local tradition at weddings is for the husband to carry his new bride up these steps, during which the bride must remain silent”.

Wikipedia also informs us that the town of Bled “is also known in Slovenia for its vanilla-and-cream pastry called kremna rezina or kremšnita.”

Learn more about Slovenia at their tourism site.

Enjoy today’s photo! If you like the photo, please drop a comment to the original photographer at Flickr.

Posted in memory of Father Joseph Plevnik, S.J., born in Slovenia in 1928, died in Canada, 2010.